The FamilyCherished Media Kit
Welcome!! If you are here you, it probably means that you are looking for a guest for your podcast, or for a speaker at your virtual or in-person event, or maybe you want to an experienced brand ambassador and influencer to increase awareness?
This "media kit" is to help me to help you, and really
wow the socks off your people!

Meet Valerie Elkins
Empowering Others Worldwide
A proud mom to 3 and grandmother of 5 of the most amazing grandchildren ever born, Valerie Elkins with her extensive experience, has empowered people across the globe to connect with their roots, cherish their families, enhance their living spaces with meaningful family history objects, and how to their improve their health to live with those they love longer, and how to use passive income to increase their pocketbooks. Valerie is a worldwide known professional genealogist and personal family historian, international speaker, author, and brand ambassador.
A Journey of Resilience and Healing
Valerie's approach to genealogy and family history is not just about tracing lineage, but fostering a deeper appreciation for the story and lives of those who have gone before us. She loves to make homes that she fondly calls our 'nests'—the homes we cherish and share with our loved ones, extra special by adding in personal family history artifacts, memorabilia, and "story seeds.'
Connect, Learn, and Grow with Valerie
Join Valerie on her mission to discover everything that will make families, (that we cherish), happier by learning resilience and grit from learning their family histories. Learn from her groundbreaking peptide and biohacking research, and get inspired by her stories of personal triumph and professional expertise. Whether you’re looking to trace your family tree or explore ways to enhance your well-being and those you love, Valerie’s insights and guidance are here to lead the way.
Valerie LOVES Podcasts and Teaching INSIDE your Programs
In-Person Events:
Virtual Events
RootsTech Family History Conferences
Association of Professional Genealogist Professional Management Conferences
National Genealogical Association Family History Conferences
BYU Family History Conferences
The Genealogy Show - UK
...and dozens of regional and smaller events
Southern California Genealogical Society - Jamboree
Utah Genealogical Society Family History Webinars
...and many, many more!
Media that Has Featured Valerie:
FamilySearch Blog
MyHeritage Blog
Lake Region Public Library Blog
Marin Independent Journal
...and more
What Does Valerie Want?
AKa Why does Valerie want to speak to your people?
First, Valerie LOVES meeting, and new and awesome people (YOU!!) and she LOVES seeing people get results or feel encouraged!
life is HARD and she primarily wants to bring value to your audience. Nobody has time for fluff and filler.
Whenever you post the podcast 9ex: in your show notes, or the bottom of the YouTube description). Valerie is using speaking engagements to help increase awareness and offer help and encouragement to those who are looking for ways to improve their and family's lives.
1. Free download with handouts with resources, etc. relevant to the chosen podcast.
2. As a thank-you, Valerie will of course promote the featured podcast to over 20,000 followers, but she is offering the Canva templates to promote your podcasts. Feel free to edit these anyway you deem fit!
Both of the above are her gift to thank-you for hosting her and trusting her with your audience. Depending on the audience you may only be mailed to a segment of that audience, all segments contain over 20,000 subscribers.